My handsome little Dawson was 6 months old on April 17th... CRAZY! Anyway in the last 2 months it seems that he has just grown up so much. Yesterday he had his check-up and it just hit me how much he has really changed since the last time I was there. He is so close to crawling he gets so frustrated that he cannot get around especially when a toy is just out of his reach... He laughs so much now it is the cutest thing. It is rare to see him not smiling. How did we get so lucky to have such a happy baby?? When he is not feeling well it is very obvious. Like yesterday after his shots he was fevering quite a bit and he was so lethargic and fussy, he'd been a little sick the day before I think he was a little too close to his ill cousin, Gavin last week and with the shots on top of that yesterday was no fun at all.
Above is a photo of him in his little bath tub with the ducks strategically placed. I always give him a bath after his immunizations as they say it can help their legs to not feel so sore. You can see his little crayon band aids SO CUTE! When I was little I always wanted to wear band aids so I figure I'll leave them on him for a day or two, I am sure he doesn't care either way but for some reason I just feel like he would want to keep them on longer... I know it's weird.
So Chad has this thing where he just thinks that Dawson is always too hot in his little sleepers so he zips the front down half way... well this is what I came home to the other day... What was Chad thinking?? I am not really that sure Dawson does have Eczema just like his mommy NO FUN and I believe that he was having some skin issues on this day maybe that was the reasoning behind the lack of shirt. Anyway, I thought it was pretty cute!
So at 6 months Dawson is 27.5 inches tall and 18.1 lbs. In his weight he is in the 50% and in his height he is in the 75% so... it is exactly opposite from when he was 3 months old... Funny how those things can change so much!