Friday, April 16, 2010

Surprise Natural Labor & Appendicitis A Week Apart

Some of you may not have heard but I went in to meet with Doctor Bunch for Jett's one week follow-up. I asked him if he might take a quick look at me as I was having a horrible pain in my stomach. He had me lay on the table and he pressed in many different locations finding that the pain was only in one small area... good news right??! NO! Not good news at all! That area just happened to be the lower right hand side of my stomach they immediately sent me to have a CT scan at the hospital and shortly there after I was admitted for an appendectomy... It seems that things are just happening very quickly and unexpectedly for me these days at least medically. So Wednesday I had surgery and I am very sad as I have not really had a chance to enjoy my boys. Even now that I have come home I am unable to care for them... this is a very frustrating moment for me and I just feel like crying. People have been so amazing and willing to help out but I wish I could just be a mom. THE GOOD NEWS... My sister and I both had our first ever surgeries on the exact same day and were able to talk each other through it afterwards over the phone. Hers was more fun than mine, her surgery resulted in holding her baby for the first time and mine resulted in me not being able to care for mine.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Few More Pictures Of Jett

I have been without a computer for the last week... bad timing for our computer to die, I know... Anyway, I haven't had any time to do some nice pictures yet, but here are a few that are at least not in the hospital. :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Real Story Of Jett's Birth

As most of you know I had been feeling like I had been contracting for about four days when a good friend called and said "where are your contractions at right now??" they were at 10 minutes and pretty consistent but this was no different than the ones I had been having for days. She convinced me head up to Costco in Tri-Cities and see if we couldn't get this thing going. I of course was willing just because I had been frustrated by sitting in the house timing contractions for the past week. I was happy to get out of the house. So we packed up Dawson and drove to Costco. On the way my contractions got down to about 6-8 minutes, still I was not thinking anything of this since this had been happening for days. We arrived at Costco and decided to walk around and grab a few things that she needed. As we were walking my contractions were getting very close but were inconsistent. I kept informing her of every contraction I was having and she would reply back with the minutes that separated this one from the last. She started replying back with 3 and 4... she was convinced and commented that we'd better head over to the hospital. I was still not convinced as they were not consistent. I insisted that we run and get the last of what she needed before we leave. We checked out and headed over to the hospital. i gave Chad a call just to let him know that he should kind of be on call and answer his phone if I called in case they decided that i was actually in labor. I also informed him that I had everything ready in a pile at the house so that he could put it all in the car should he need to head over still unconvinced that I was in labor. We arrived at the hospital at 5:40 and they took me into the room and had me put on the gown and placed a few monitors on me to see what was happening with my contractions. They were a bit inconsistent but they seemed to be fairly strong. They called my doctor to come over and check to see how for I had dilated. He came and I was at a 4. He decided to break my water at 6:15 and i decided it was time to call Chad to pack things up and head over. The nurse asked if I would like an epidural I said that yes I absolutely did but that there was no rush as I was not really in any pain yet. Chad arrived about an hour later and contractions were just starting to feel uncomfortable. Chad called his brother to bring him something to eat and they met to exchange Dawson's bag for food. When Chad returned minutes later the contractions were very hard and painful and he was shocked. I began to really request that I get my epidural very soon. They checked me at that point and I was at a 6 or 7. They called my doctor to tell him to start heading over. The nurse came back into the room after calling my doctor and checked me again only to find that he was crowning. All the while I am still yelling a bit frustrated that I was ready for my epidural. The nurse knew that not only was I not going to receive an epidural but that my doctor would not make it to the delivery ran into to hall to grab a doctor and it was a good thing because as he walked in I shouted that I had to push. Two pushes later Jett's head was out and a half of a push later he was laying on my stomach having his umbilical cord cut by Chad. My doctor walked in about 2 minutes later and got there just in time to hold my hand as the other doctor stitched me up. Needless to say I had an entirely natural birth and endured it just fine. I have to say it was the most pain I have ever felt in my life but in reality the pain was only for about a half hour and afterwards I felt great. Our baby boy Jett Allen Davis was born on Tuesday April 6, 2010 at 8:29pm he was 19 inches long and weighed 7lbs. 4 oz.

Thank you Chad and Tami for being there for me. Thank you Nathan and Paloma for

taking good care of Dawson for us and being so willing to help. Thank you mom for being available by phone at every moment, and thanks to everyone else for being supportive and loving to our family.

Monday, April 5, 2010

I HATE Timing Contractions

Last night I woke up with hard contractions but they were not very painful I began timing...

12:49a.m. - Woke up

12:59a.m. - 2 minutes long, 10 minutes apart

1:14a.m - 2 minutes long,10 minutes apart

1:25a.m - 2 minutes long, 11 minutes apart

1:32 - 1 minute long, 8 minutes apart

1:39 - 1 minute long, 7 minutes apart

1:46 - about 45 seconds long, 6 minutes apart

1:53 - 1.5 minutes long, 7 minutes apart

2:00 - 2 minutes long, 7 minutes apart

2:08 - 2.5 or 3 minutes long, 8 minutes apart

2:15 - 2 minutes long, 7 minute apart

2:25 - 5 minutes long, 10 minutes apart

2:35 (Got up and walked to the bathroom had another small contraction in between)

2:49 Small contraction

Went back to bed @ 2:50 tried to get a little rest

I woke up about 5 times after going back to bed to contractions and potty breaks. This morning I am still contracting but I have given up on timing because I am just so tired and frustrated. Thanks mom for staying on the phone with me and listening to me being annoyed.