The party was great!!! Almost all of my favorite people were there!! We went to Time Out Pizza which is always fun, there are a bunch of arcade games so it was very simple to get a ton of quarters and entertain the kids. The pizza and cake were great and the company was even better! There were so many people there that LOVE Dawson... it was a little hard to get around to everyone so I am really hoping everyone there had fun!
Happy Birthday My Sweet Baby Boy I cannot believe you are already one! I am SAD but love every single precious moment I have with you.
AND YES... I am sure you have been thinking it for a while now. I AM PREGNANT! I show so early that it has been very hard to hide but we really wanted to tell everyone together at Dawson's party. We are very excited and a little nervous to have two. I am about 3 months pregnant and I am due on April 23rd.

We told everyone tonight at the party by having Dawson open up a present that had a t-shirt inside that read "I am 1 year old today! For my first birthday my mommy and daddy are making me a big brother". Chad Grandma Audrey read the shirt out loud since she was the closest. At first everyone was a little confused so I had to clarify by saying "I AM ABOUT 3 MONTHS PREGNANT"... It was pretty fun and I think we got it on tape!! So fun!!
Another fun things about all of this is that my sister is due just about the same time!! We might just have twinners!