Sunday, June 14, 2009

"Are You FREAKING Kidding Me!!??!?..."

That is what I said when I walked into the living room...

We had an awesome day at church today. I have a feeling Heavenly Father was making up for what we would find when we got home... We walked in the door and walked directly back to Dawson's room to lay him down for a short nap. We then walked into our room to change and get stuff ready to head over to the Dan and Lisa Davis home for our Sunday lunch. I walked out into the living room when I saw it... URG! How frustrating. Apparently what happened was that our neighbor hit a sprinkler head with the lawn mower broke it and never said anything to the owner of our apartments. At two o'clock every morning the sprinklers come on and the sprinkler head was spraying water directly into a vent near the roof of our apartment; which then went into our ceiling and the ceiling dropped right into our living room... WHAT A MESS!
( This was us last night enjoying our mess free home after a day in the sun watching Chad play softball in which he did amazing yesterday by the way... not ever thinking of what might happen the following day.)

Of course Kevin (landlord) came over to temporarily fix the huge hole until he can really get in there and go to work. We spent the majority of this afternoon just getting the living room back to the point where we can at least function (Thanks for the help Dan!). Needless to say, my entire house is full of this nasty powdery dust and as I tried to clean the majority of it, I have a feeling I will be spending at least a few hours tomorrow and a few in the next couple of weeks just getting this crud under control.


janica said...

oh my goodness!!! That is horrible...Did any of your stuff get ruined? I hope its not too much of a job to clean up!

Chad, Chelsea, Dawson and Jett Davis said...

I think that all of our stuff is okay we are still waiting for our couches to dry. One of our lamps was badly bent but we were able to bend it back enough for it to look decent.

Kristin said...

wow! That totally SUCKS! BUT everyone is safe and things are cleanable. I hope things get back to normal quickly. Ahhh, LIFE!

Kristin said...

p.s. I can totally hear you saying that!

Ashley said...

Oh my gosh!!! I would be so freaking mad!! Good thing none of you guys got hurt!! Good luck with all of that though!! It's seriously messed up that your neighbors didn't do anything!

Jess and Carl said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry for you guys! That is crappy! I hope it is all fixed soon and no permanent damage was done!

Jon and Amy Duvall said...

HOLY CRAP!!! That is awful!! I'm so sorry. It's a good thing that the weather is nice so that you can take Dawson outside, so he doesn't have to crawl or breathe too much of that stuff in! DANG. I would be so irate. I'm glad you freaking awesome couches weren't ruined! AH!

Shellie said...

Oh no! That is terrible, Chels. Unbelievable.

The family trunk said...

Come to my blog I made it!!!!

Anonymous said...

And I was there to see it. I can testify that it WAS a huge mess. Good thing you weren't sitting in the couch when it happened!

Heatherbether said...

Holy cow! Chicken Little was right...the sky IS falling!!

ericksonzone said...

That is so crazy! I hope that stuff doesn't make itself too hard to clean up.